Tuesday, July 25, 2006

To The Contrary

A recent poll shows that 50% of Americans now believe that Saddam Hussein had WMD, which is up from a low of 36%. The pollster can’t figure out why the change in light of “all the news reports to the contrary.”

Here’s a clue: Saddam did indeed have WMD. The poll should show 100%, but some people have a political motivation for ignoring facts. Either that or they lack the intellectual capacity to see through Leftist propaganda.

It turns out that those “news reports to the contrary” were wrong. Many of us have known this all along. But we don’t think they were “wrong” but that they were lies deliberately used to discredit the Bush administration. That’s it.

What does this say about the Bush naysayers? It says that they’re all wet, they’re full of it, they are the discredited ones.

People like Kerry, Michael Moore, Joe Wilson and the throngs of fanatical pacifists couldn’t convince enough people to oppose the war on practical grounds, so they resorted to lies and false accusations.

This tactic is commonly used by liberals on just about every issue. If you’re against affirmative action, you’re a racist; if you support tax cuts, you’re a greedy rich snob; if you support the war, you’re a hate-filled war-monger. You get the idea.

Once again, the “Bush Lied” crowd has demonstrated that the “Liar” tag solely belongs to them.



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