Algore is Insane
Ladies (sorry NOW) and gentlemen, it's official, Al Gore is insane. Czech president Vaclav Klaus says so - of course, we've know this since the early 1990's. But there's nothing like a bit of overreaching globalwarming alarmism to solidify the point. See Newsbusters for more on this story.
It's obvious to any thinking person that the Global Warming scare is just that. It's a politically motivated scam designed by socialists, who have dominated the so-called environmental movement since it's inception, for the purpose of acquiring money, through taxes and government grants, and gaining political power.
It's classic demagogguery. Which is merely the acquisition and use of political power based on fear. "You're all doomed, unless you give ME the power!" is the basic message of the demagogue. Al Gore is not the only one. Practically every Democrat is a crisis-monger of one kind or another. Some Republicans fit this description as well, but it's mainly a Left-Wing phenomenon. (And don't give me that Hitler nonsense, because Hitler was a socialist, just like Hillary, Al and Bill)
So, how does this show that Al Gore is insane? Simple logic: Algore is delusional (he invented the internet, the sky is falling), he has a messiah complex (he will save us all from Global Warming), he raves like a lunatic, he accuses others of what he, himself is guilty: "He played on or fears!" That's Al for ya!
Call in the rubber truck!