Monday, October 31, 2005

Football Smackdown

It's the Armageddon! It's a battle-royal free-for-all tag team cage match! It's Pro Football. (*I can't use the real name because it's protected by copyright, so I'll call it the RFL-Rigged Football League.)

What is portrayed as a contest to test the abilities of players and coaches is really just a show. It's only a little bit more legitimate than the WWF.

I have a theory about the "RFL", it's not my theory, it's been talked about for years, but there are hard-core football fans who will never be convinced the fix is in, and there are those who think it's obvious.

The theory is basically this: Pro football is rigged in such a way as to maximize profits for the league. It is controlled by the officials, the "refs", who meet in secret and who are the most "untouchable" characters in the whole show. Most of the money comes from T.V., so ratings are the highest priority. Ticket sales and merchadising are also big revenue sources.

To get high ratings they have to have exciting games, with big stars and they have to ensure some amount of parity so the same teams don't win all the time. Revenue sharing, and salary caps are legitimate ways of trying to achieve this legitimate goal. But to tamper with the outcome of a game by virtue of the way it's officiated is underhanded and phony. But then, the league never really claims that what they offer is anything more than entertainment.

I don't think all the players or coaches are in on the scam. And I don't think all the games are fixed. But the league benefits by having as many teams with playoff hopes as far into the season as possible. It also benefits by having big name stars in prime time games and by having big market teams, or high-rating "legend" teams in prominent playoff games.

This is why *Green Bucket was given the North Division title and home playoff games at Legendary Lameblow Field the last two years in a row, even though they were a mediocre team at best. But *Pukers (with superstar *Brent Favor at *Lameblow) vs. the team from Seattle (co-starring *Micky Homelygren-ex-*Puker coach) has better ratings potential than the *Vice-kings vs. *Seaducks at the *Dumpy Dome in Minneapolis. "May the better team win" is NOT the order of the day, it is "may the most lucrative outcome happen in the least conspicuous way."

I could go on and on with example after example, but you've seen it. You've seen the questionable calls that alter the outcome, not just of a game, but of who goes to the *Stupid Bowl!

Remember the fumble ruled an incomplete pass that knocked the *Oakland Jolly Rogers out of the playoffs and ended up sending the *Minutemen to the the *Stupid Bowl? They ended up inventing the so called "tuck rule" on the spot in order to get the outcome they wanted.

*DISCLAIMER: "Any broadcast, re-broadcast, or pictures, descriptions or accounts of this game without express, written consent of the *RFL is prohibited." This means that they own the game, you can't even do a news story on the game without their permission. So, if a reporter begins to question the legitimacy of the "sport", he is in danger of losing his job. The sports media make tons of money and they have absolutely no inclination to blow the whistle on their own gravy train.

The RFL is just a show. It's merely entertainment. Some, or even most, of the games are legit, but if a particular outcome will benefit the league financially, that outcome will happen, regardless of who the better team is.

Nuff said.
Have a happy season....


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Old Topic, Republicans are Nazis? Let’s see…

Over the past few decades Republicans have increasingly been accused of being “Nazis” and “Fascists.” Democrats, to be fair, have been called “Commies,” but this is tremendously rare by comparison.

The fact is calling Republicans “Nazis” is a technique Democrats routinely use to discredit their opponents and avoid debate. It is a tactic right out of Hitler’s propaganda manual. If your opposition is evil, corrupt or stupid, you don’t have to argue with them. You win by default! So, are Republicans really Nazis?

Maybe a little comparison will help to answer that question.

Republicans, for the most part, are free-market, small-“d”- democrats. They believe in “government of the people…” They are suspicious of government control over anything directly affecting the lives of the citizens, including commerce, education and charity.

Democrats, in general, believe that government control over everything is necessary to prevent disparities in society. They believe that self-government leads to poverty and inequality and that without government oversight corporate interests will take over and society will crumble.

Now, see if you can guess who said the following: (Hint: It comes from an historical political document, edited for brevity without damage to the meaning, and is not from the DNC platform.)

"We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment... The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but…be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand:
· … an end to the power of the financial interests.
· … profit sharing in big business.
· … broad extension of care for the aged.
· … the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments.
· … the government must provide an enlargement of our system of public education.
· …The government must undertake the improvement of public health.
We combat the … materialistic spirit…, and are convinced that a permanent recovery…can only proceed…on the foundation of the common good before the individual good."

Who said it? If you guessed Bill or Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Howard Dean or Ted Kennedy, you’re wrong! It’s from the political program of the Nazi Party, adopted in Munich, February 24, 1920.

This shouldn’t surprise you. After all, the word “Nazi” is short for National Socialist. The Democratic Party is a socialistic organization. The excerpt above could have come right out of the DNC handbook!

So, who are the real Nazis? Hitler could never have succeeded solely on the merits of his belief system. He needed to demonize his opposition. The Democrats have used this tactic for years. From the Daisy-Cutter ad in 1964 to Fahrenheit 911 in 2004, the real sinners are the ones throwing the stones. They fail to realize that when they point their finger at Republicans, three fingers are pointing back at themselves.

Monday, October 24, 2005

U.N. -believable gall.

It used to be that people who were skeptical of the U.N. were considered to be zenophopic red-necks.

It has been becoming more and more obvious over the past decade that the U.N. is a worthless and dangerous power-hungry bureaucracy.

Their most recent power grab is the attempt to take over the internet. (See article)

What unbelievable gall! It's high time this organization was straightened out! Let's hope Bolton kicks a few butts over there.

Remember Rwanda? The U.N. cut and ran, and 500,000 people were murdered. One of their own officials said that all it would have taken to stop the genocide was 1000 armed troops and about fifty vehicles.

Instead of doing what they claim to be organized for and promote peace, they ignored genocide and played footsie with Saddam Hussein in order to profit from the oil-for-food scam.

They passed 14 resolutions against Hussein, any one of which legitimized military action against him, yet what did they do? They opposed any action against Iraq, even though their own resolutions justified the war.

They were the ones who insisted Iraq was pursuing a program of WMD. (It's hard to deny it when tens of thousands of Kurds are murdered with poison gas.)

They are probably covering up the fact that Iraq moved its WMD to Syria in order to make Operation Iraqi Freedom appear baseless.

And now they want to control the internet? Which countries are involved in this outrage? Russia, China, North Korea...etc. Notice anything? The U.N. is a corrupt organization.

It's a perfect example of why world government is a dangerous thing. Who could stop the corruption if the world-government is corrupt?

The U.S. taxpayer gave the U.N. $3.8 Billion last year. This money could be better spent on $1000 toilet seats for the Space Program!


"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." -Mariah Carey

Friday, October 21, 2005

Dem Witch Hunts Could Backfire

When the many Bill and Hillary Clinton scandals were in the news and under investigation, the typical response from Democrats and Liberals in the media was that it was a "witch hunt" by Conservatives.

Since the impeachment of Mr. Clinton many of his minions have sworn revenge and they have unleashed the most intense and vitriolic campaign of the "politics of personal destruction" ever waged before.

Other than their outrageous attacks on Bush, they have most recently gone after Karl Rove, Tom Delay and the whistle-blowing Colonel in the Able Danger probe (which exposes the failure of the Clinton-era Defense Department in dealing with terrorism).

Early indications looked bleak for the GOP, but in the last couple of days things have occurred that might indicate that the Left's strategy of accusation and attack will backfire. The following snippets from various news stories indicates that Liberal tactics are going to fail:

Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Penn., told United Press International that officials at the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA, had "conducted a deliberate campaign of character assassination" against the whistleblower, retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer. UPI

"In short, I have been charged for defeating Democrats," DeLay said. "I have been charged for advocating constitutional representation; and I have been charged for advancing the Republican agenda." (From CNSNews)

It's still not clear that Rove and Libby would be indicted even if Fitzgerald could prove they gave false testimony to the grand jury. In 2000, Independent Counsel Robert Ray concluded that then-first lady Hillary Clinton had provided materially false testimony in the Travelgate investigation. Mr. Ray declined to indict, however - explaining that he could not prove that Mrs. Clinton's false statements were intentional. (From Newsmax)

It is beggining to look like the desperate eagerness of the Left to find something, anything to "nail" Bush with has caused them to paint themselves into a corner. The facts simply are not on their side. The truth is beginning to come out: Able Danger proves Clinton's incompetence as commander in chief, the Delay situation is proving to be a political vendetta, and the Rove investigation is revealing the unethical behavior of Joe Wilson and Valery Plame.

Liberals would do better engaging the Debate, rather than trying to revive their scandal mongering ways of the Watergate and Iran Contra eras... Then again, maybe this is all they have left...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Moon Explodes Parody


NAP New York, September 7, 2005.

Under-funded NASA officials today confirmed that the loud noise and bright flash many people heard and saw last night was the moon exploding.

This could be the greatest disaster since the 2000 election. Experts say that this never would have happened if not for George W. Bush. “His racism, homophobia, hypocritical phony Christianity and his lack of environmental concern have caused this disaster. The entire universe is now suffering the same ill effects of Bush’s failed administration that the people of the world have been suffering since the stolen election of 2000” said Ima Fruitcake, assistant vice-president of Liberals Incensed About Real Stuff (LIARS).

Federal officials would not confirm the explosion, but did say they would investigate the situation as soon as they get done giving out tax cuts for the rich. President Bush would not directly comment on his obvious responsibility for this cosmic disaster, but he did say, with a cynical cowboy grin, “we’re doin’ all we kin.”

Hillary Clinton and other respected officials in the Senate have called for an independent commission to investigate the administration’s incompetence in failing to prevent the explosion of the moon. “We must act soon with this investigation before any crucial documents are shredded,” the former co-president said.

Jesse Jackson said he would form a coalition to determine the disparate impact the moon’s explosion will have on minorities, and investigate the possible roll president Bush’s racist tendencies may have played in this catastrophe.

Some of the very few remaining Bush supporters tried to defend the president by saying this was a natural event that could not have been prevented by anyone. This small group of red-neck crazies went so far as to claim that not even Bill Clinton could have done anything about this.

Several charity groups have offered to help those devastated by the tragedy. The ACLU is offering discount legal services for those seeking to sue the federal government. Planned Parenthood is distributing free condoms and morning-after pills. And PETA is organizing a “Set the zoo animals free” protest.

Celebrities are also getting into the act organizing fundraisers. Mick Jagger said, “We can raise more relief funds off of ticket sales than we could by donating our own money.” Oprah Winfrey said, “In tragic times like these, with a republican in the White House, anything we celebrities can do to hype up disasters is crucial.”

The venerable senator Ted Kennedy, during an impromptu Happy Hour press conference summed it all up: “This tragedy (hic) will disrupt the lives of many people, especially the poor and (hic) minorities. The full impact may not be known for decades. But one thing is certain. Bush is to blame, but he can’t hide out in Crawford anymore, Cindy Sheehan knows where he lives.”

By Matt Reporter, NAP

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Pacifism Kills

All the 1960's retreads and the Hollywood elitists singing Kumbaya and Give Peace A Chance are actually contributing to the very thing they say they're against: War. These "peacniks" actually encourage the enemies of freedom and peace to make war.
George Washington said, "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." The converse is also true, to be unprepared for war is one of the most effectual means of inviting it.
We saw this at the start of WWII. The leaders in the Allied Nations would not listen to the "warmonger" Churchill, so they got a piece of paper from Hitler and declared "peace in our day." The result? The largest and most deadly war in history.
If they would have stopped Hitler at the beginning, which they had the legal right to do, they could have prevented the deaths of millions of people! Millions! Think of that.
The pacifists got us to leave Vietnam. What happened? 100,000 South Vietnamese were executed and hundreds of thousands more became refugees. Meanwhile Pol Pot was murdering millions. Thanks to the weakness pacifists created in America, Communist dictatorships were on the march.
It wasn't until another "warmonger" - Ronald Reagan - came along and pushed his policy of "peace through strength" that the Cold War ended and the Iron Curtain crumbled.
Now all the peaceniks are hollering about Iraq, saying Bush lied (even though he never said anything that their pal Clinton didn't say before) and heaping more criticism on the coalition forces than the terrorist insurgents are.
And what if we had listened to them? Would Hussein be on trial for crimes against humanity, or would he still be in power committing them? Would Bin Laden be hiding in a cave somewhere, or would he be plotting more murder and destruction?
Peace without freedom is not peace. Freedom isn't Free. Pacifism Kills.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Introduction to Matt's Commentary

This is my first foray into the world of blogging. My handle is Marv Shedley. I am an opinionated person, with a so-called "right-wing" slant...But I hate those labels.

I'm from the upper midwest. What I will talk about on this blog will range from politics, to sports to cooking...i.e. everything, whatever I feel like talking about...even (bahm, bahm, baaaahhhhmmm!) Religion (arrrgggghhhhhhh!!!!!)... Can't handle it? Freedom allows you to not participate....

I don't claim to know everything, nor do I claim to be right all the time. But only facts, not speculation, not prevailing wisdom, not anyone's opinion, will change my mind on a topic.

One of my favorite quotes from politics: "If you're not a liberal at the age of 20, you have no heart, if you're not a conservative by the age of 40, you have no brain." - Winston Churchill

One of my favorite Biblical quotes: "The fool hath said in his heart 'there is no God.'" Psa. 14:1

One of my favorite sports quotes: "That's it, baby oooooh!" - anonymous Viking

My biggest pet peeve: The "liberal" dominance in the media, the education system and in the entertainment community. A little balance would be nice. The libs always bring up McCarthyism as the prime example of the suppression of freedom of thought and expression, yet they constantly suppress, shout-down, ridicule and even try to destroy the career of anyone who dares express a viewpoint that doesn't coincide with theirs. There is a McCarthyism of the Left, yet the gatekeepers of information are even suppressing that fact...

Come back often to get my slant, and comment if you want...
