Thursday, February 23, 2006

Much Ado

It's hard to know what to think about the UAE ports deal. Conservative pundits Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity are against it, yet other conservatives, like Rush Limbaugh, favor it.

The objectionable things about this whole situation, besides Jimmy Carter being for it, are the knee-jerk reaction of some politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle, the distorted image portrayed in the mainstream press and the alarmist B.S. flowing through our schools.

A parent called in a national radio show and said her daughter asked her why Bush was "giving our ports to terrorists." Apparently the little kid was told this by her teacher. Maybe the kid misunderstood, or maybe the story is apocryphal, but the point is still valid: there is too much misinformation out there on this subject.

It's also funny to see all these Leftitst who are so outraged by the so-called domestic spying, and the "racial profiling" of Arab visitors and immigrants, and who cry "racist!" at anyone who suggests building a fence along the Mexican border, yet they are now all-of-a-sudden concerned about security? The hypocrisy is pungent.

However, I remain unconvinced either way. But there are some interesting facts that might change people's minds on the subject. From a FOX news online article:

Former Central Command chief Tommy Franks told FOX News that not only is the UAE a great ally in the War on Terror, but more American Navy ships are in Dubai's port than any other in the world. He also said the port is run in excellent fashion.

DP World is the seventh largest terminal operator in the world, operating 23 facilities in 13 countries. It has terminal contracts in countries that are allies of the United States, including Germany, Australia, India and South Korea as well as nations such as China, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

Don't be surprised if alot of people end up backing off of their objection to this deal.
Also, don't be surprised if some whacko's demand Bush's impeachment over this as well.
I'm reserving judgment on this one. It could be a Bush blunder. It could be a brilliant move in the overall strategy in the war on terror. Or, this whole thing could me much ado about nothing.


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