Friday, March 24, 2006

Christian Convert

Abdul Rahman was arrested two weeks ago under Islamic Sharia law and will likely face the death penalty.

What did he do? He converted from Islam to Christianity. That, according to Islam, is a crime worthy of death.

If Rahman is killed, he won’t be the first Christian to be martyred in this new young century. In fact, persecution of Christians has been going on since the Apostles and is even worse today than it was during the Dark Ages. But this shouldn’t surprise anyone since Jesus told his followers “in the world you will have tribulation…” John 16:33.

The ironic thing is that when Christianity is under persecution, it grows. And Christianity is growing in the world today. Not in the West, but in Africa and Asia it is booming, and Islam, along with Communism and other forms of tyranny are trying to stop it. But they will fail, because as Christ said about his Church “…the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” Matt. 16:18.

If Mr. Rahman is killed, it will be a detriment to Islam. The more Islam reveals itself to be brutal, oppressive and intolerant, the less it will appeal to new converts and the more people will convert from Islam to other religions.

An interesting side-point in this story is where is the Left? The Left in America and Europe spend all kinds of energy fighting against the “intolerance” of Christians. They sue to rid the public square of any offensive religious images, like crosses, nativity scenes etc. Where are they now, when a man is about to be killed for his faith.

Will the Libs who stood up for Mookie Williams – the murderer – now stand up for Abdul Rahman? I won’t be expecting it, but who knows? Maybe the continued exposure of the brutality of Islam, Communism and other forms of tyranny, juxtaposed against the courage and steadfastness of Christians and others who at least claime to be lovers of freedom will change their minds…

If not, take comfort from the words of Christ in the other half of the quote from John 16 above “…be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hey Jay, Hitler was a Democrat (sort of)

Mainly republished from October for the benefit of that fanatic propagandist posing as a geography teacher, Jay Bennish:

Over the past few decades Republicans have increasingly been accused of being “Nazis” and “Fascists.” Democrats, to be fair, have been called “Commies,” but this is rare by comparison.

The fact is calling Republicans “Nazis” is a technique Democrats routinely use to discredit their opponents and avoid debate. It is a tactic right out of Hitler’s propaganda manual. If your opposition is evil, corrupt or stupid, you don’t have to argue with them. You win by default!

So, are Republicans really Nazis?Maybe a little comparison will help to answer that question.Republicans, for the most part, are free-market, small-“d”- democrats. They believe in “government of the people…” They are suspicious of government control over anything directly affecting the lives of the citizens, including commerce, education and charity.

Democrats, in general, believe that government control over everything is necessary to prevent disparities in society. They believe that self-government leads to poverty and inequality and that without government oversight corporate interests will take over and society will crumble.

Now, see if you can guess who said the following:

"We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment... The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but…be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand:· … an end to the power of the financial interests.· … profit sharing in big business.· … broad extension of care for the aged.· … the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments.· … the government must provide an enlargement of our system of public education.· …The government must undertake the improvement of public health. We combat the … materialistic spirit…, and are convinced that a permanent recovery…can only proceed…on the foundation of the common good before the individual good." (emphasis added)

Who said it? Sounds like the DNC platform, doesn't it? If you guessed Bill or Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Howard Dean or Ted Kennedy, you’re wrong!

It’s from the political program of the Nazi Party, adopted in Munich, February 24, 1920!

This shouldn’t surprise you. After all, the word “Nazi” is short for National Socialist. The Democratic Party is a socialistic organization. The excerpt above could have come right out of the DNC handbook!

So, who are the real Nazis? Hitler could never have succeeded solely on the merits of his belief system. He needed to demonize his opposition. The Democrats have used this tactic for years. From the Daisy-Cutter ad in 1964 to Fahrenheit 911 in 2004 to the type of indoctrination used by so-called "teachers" like Jay Bennish.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bad news for the "Bush Lied" crowd.

President Bush told the nation in his 2003 State of the Union Address that Iraq had recently sought uranium from Africa. This formed the basis for the claim adopted by administration critics that "Bush lied" about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs. But the Washington Times today (3/13/06), reports that "newly translated Iraqi documents . . . tell of Saddam seeking uranium from Africa in the mid-1990s."

Gen. Georges Sada, the No. 2 ranking officer with the Iraqi Air Force, is finally being heard in Washington, D.C. Senate Armed Services Committee member James Inhofe, R-Okla., recently said, " . . . This old argument of weapons of mass destruction, which has always been a phony argument from the beginning, now that we have information that's been testified . . . in closed session, by this General Sadas [sic] -- all kinds of evidence as to the individuals who transported the weapons out of Iraq into Syria."

So it looks like Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, Ted Chappaquiddickennedy, the vast majority of the Democrat Party, the major media and the Hollywood elite were the liars.It’s time the Left stop playing politics (and thereby aiding and abetting our terrorist enemies) and start being Americans.

Dissent is one thing; Holding the government accountable for its actions is right, but that’s not what the Bush-hating Left has been doing.They never whined that Clinton lied when he first used the term “WMD” in relation to Iraq. Why? Partisan politics, that’s why.

“When Clinton was here recently he told me he was absolutely convinced, given his years in the White House and the access to privileged information which he had, that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction until the end of the Saddam regime,” – Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso said in an interview with Portuguese cable news channel SIC Noticias. Glenn Reynolds called this a blow to the “Bush lied” crowd.

Those liars on the Left owe the President, the military and all the families of our fallen soldiers a huge apology.


More links:

Friday, March 10, 2006


The elitists from both parties are destroying this country. In order to maintain their perch they do everything to hinder any kind of progress.

Ted Kennedy won't allow a wind power generator system to spoil his east coast view, and certain Republicans who are up for re-election are blindly falling into the media trap and are abandoning Bush.

This is really quite typical of cowardly politicians who care more about keeping their job than doing it.

Maybe we need a new political party for us middle class shluggs who believe in God, Family and Country, who'd rather not be ruled over by the likes of Ted Kennedy or Arlen Specter, a Party for people who are quite capable of self-governance.

It's a trade secret among the Blue-Bloods (East coast liberal republicans and isolationist conservatives) that the Bible thumping hicks in the GOP are really not part of the "in" crowd. The elites are quite happy to take the votes from the Bible-belters, but not the advice.

On the Democrat side it's the same thing. They want your union vote and your Black vote, but they're not going to do anything to improve your chances at success, because if you're successful, you won't need them anymore.

The big shots on Capitol Hill are playing political games for power and money and we the people are suffering for it. They hate (or don't quite like) Bush because he isn't really one of them.

We can't get them to enact term limits, but we can exercise term limits upon them:
Any Senator who has already held office 3 terms (18 years), and any Representative who has held office for 4 terms (8 years) shold be voted out during his or her party's primary, or voted out of office during the general election, regardless of party affiliation.

If you can't hold your nose and vote either Republican or Democrat, vote for an alternate party, like the Libertarians, or write yourself in.

This is our country, not those Washington D.C. snobs!