Christian Convert
Abdul Rahman was arrested two weeks ago under Islamic Sharia law and will likely face the death penalty.
What did he do? He converted from Islam to Christianity. That, according to Islam, is a crime worthy of death.
If Rahman is killed, he won’t be the first Christian to be martyred in this new young century. In fact, persecution of Christians has been going on since the Apostles and is even worse today than it was during the Dark Ages. But this shouldn’t surprise anyone since Jesus told his followers “in the world you will have tribulation…” John 16:33.
The ironic thing is that when Christianity is under persecution, it grows. And Christianity is growing in the world today. Not in the West, but in Africa and Asia it is booming, and Islam, along with Communism and other forms of tyranny are trying to stop it. But they will fail, because as Christ said about his Church “…the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.” Matt. 16:18.
If Mr. Rahman is killed, it will be a detriment to Islam. The more Islam reveals itself to be brutal, oppressive and intolerant, the less it will appeal to new converts and the more people will convert from Islam to other religions.
An interesting side-point in this story is where is the Left? The Left in America and Europe spend all kinds of energy fighting against the “intolerance” of Christians. They sue to rid the public square of any offensive religious images, like crosses, nativity scenes etc. Where are they now, when a man is about to be killed for his faith.
Will the Libs who stood up for Mookie Williams – the murderer – now stand up for Abdul Rahman? I won’t be expecting it, but who knows? Maybe the continued exposure of the brutality of Islam, Communism and other forms of tyranny, juxtaposed against the courage and steadfastness of Christians and others who at least claime to be lovers of freedom will change their minds…
If not, take comfort from the words of Christ in the other half of the quote from John 16 above “…be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
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