Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Chicken Little Gore

Just a little note to add a little humor to the "heated" debates going on today:

When Algore's scare-mongering, psuedo-scientific propaganda about global warming opened in Minneapolis the high temperature was 15 degrees COLDER than average!

I love irony!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Murtha Vs. the Facts

Everyone who has followed the Haditha story knows that congressman John Murtha (D) is very adept at opening his mouth. But as more facts are revealed the more it seems he should shut it.

He might as well be working for the insurgency!

Even if the allegations turn out to be true, neither Murtha nor anyone else should presume guilt much less accuse our soldiers of cold-blooded murder, at least not until until all the facts are known.

As it seems to be turning out, the facts are becoming known and they point to the innocence of the soldiers Murtha calls murderers. So, Murtha: remove your foot from your mouth, then keep it closed!

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Party of Surrender

Democrats might as well admit it, they want us to declare defeat in Iraq and surrender. They claim they are merely suggesting "redeployment" and so forth and so on blah blah blah...

Frankly, these sad-sack losers make me sick. Their political maneuvering, their demagogguery and their spineless pacifism aids and abets the terrorists.

The existence of WMD has been confirmed.

Our anti-terrorism intelligence programs are working:

Terrorists are being killed by the coalition:

Guess what? We're winning!

And the Democrats want us to surrender and quit? Not only are they Godless (thank you Ann Coulter) but they're brainless and gutless as well!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Religion of Death

Yes,the Roman Catholic Church used violence to push it's will-500 years ago. Clashes between people of different religions have occasionally reached the stage of violence. But no religion has ever been so tied to violence, murder, war and death as Islam.

The Papacy never stooped to using children as human bombs! The crusades were not wars of conquest, they were defensive military campaigns against muslim aggression.

If you are a muslim who truly cares about truth, ask yourself this: What kind of a god needs to use children as weapons of terror in order to promote himself?

The picture shown above proves that Islam is not of God. Some "moderate" muslims say that the extremists do not represent true Islam. Yet the Koran commands muslims to use violence against "unbelievers".

Koran: Sura 9:5 "... fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem..."

Bible: Matt 5:44 (Quoting Jesus) "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

The difference is obvious.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Future Dead Guy

Zarqawi 'Successor' Identified By U.S.

"Officials say Abu Ayyub al-Masri was probably the one chosen to succeed Zarqawi, the al-Qaida leader in Iraq who was killed in a U.S. air strike last week." - News release.

This guy has just become a target for the same fate as the late Al-gore-Zarqawi!

What a dope!

Monday, June 12, 2006


This picture was e-mailed to me.
It speaks for itself.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Demonstrating Arrogance & Ignorance

Michael Berg, father of Nick Berg who was beheaded by Al Qaeda terrorists, responded to the news of Zarqawi's demise by saying "I think the news of the loss of any human being is a tragedy. I think al-Zarqawi's death is a double tragedy," he said. "His death will incite a new wave of revenge. George Bush and al-Zarqawi are two men who believe in revenge."

I'm sorry for the loss of Mr. Berg's son, but I am losing my sympathy for people like him. His statement demonstrates the arrogance and the ignorance of the Left.

First of all the arrogance; Bush did not attack Zarqawi for revenge. How arrogant is it of Mr. Berg to say such a thing. This wasn't done to avenge the murder of Nick Berg it was done to stop that fanatical murderer from doing it again. Mr. Berg, it's not about YOU!

It's the same with Cindy Sheehan and the Jersey Girls: They act as if their personal loss is more important than the freedom and security of everyone else, and that we have to listen to them because they suffered. Of course we shouldn't listen to the many other victims who are celebrating Zarqawi's death. No! Their minds are blinded by anger, whereas the pacifist is above such base emotional reactionism. What self-centered arrogance!

Now the ignorance; Mr. Berg, like all pacifists, have the mistaken belief that if we would just be nice to them they'll be nice to us. He said "'restorative justice', - such as being forced to work in a hospital where maimed children are treated - could have made al-Zarqawi "a decent human being." Hitler could have been O.K. too, with a little love.

Berg called Zarqawi's death a "double tragedy" because not only did we kill a potentially decent human being, but now a whole slew of other potential decent human beings are going to come out of the woodwork and cause even more death.

What are we supposed to do Michael, round up every extremist Jihadi who has devoted his life to the destruction of all who won't submit to their will and make them work at a hospital? Even if it were possible, do you actually believe it would work?

Are you insane?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Consider This

It’s time to consider a few things. For years now the Left has accused Bush of lying to start a bogus war on terror, accused the military of war crimes, accused the Administration of spying on citizens and has offered no solutions of their own. Well, it’s time these “open-minded” Libs truly open their minds and consider a few things.

Couldn’t it be possible that Saddam Hussein really did have WMD and hid them? Couldn’t it be that maybe he really was helping Al Qaeda plan and train for terrorist attacks? Isn’t it possible that if we had left him in power he’d be closer to having a nuclear weapon than Iran? Could it be that appeasement, anti-Bush protests and the constant criticism from Leftist politicians actually helps the Jihadis?

Isn’t it possible that those civilians in Haditha were killed by terrorists who wanted to use the incident for propaganda? Could it be that the insurgents hid behind the civilians knowing that some of them would be killed and they could blame it on the Americans? Could it be that the Media are trying to Vietnamize this war because of their prejudicial hatred of Bush?

Could it be that the so-called “domestic spying” has prevent the deaths of thousands of American citizens? Could it be that the war on terror has actually saved a hundred times as many lives as it cost? Of course there’s know way of knowing for sure because you can’t have statistics on things that didn’t happen, but it’s time to consider how many deaths we’d have if we had continued the do-nothing policies of the Clinton administration.

If you’ve ever read The Gathering Storm, by Winston Churchill, you’d know that what George Bush and Tony Blair are trying to accomplish, if successful, could be the very thing that could prevent WWIII and save millions of lives in the process.

In his book Churchill warned of the threat of Hitler and suggested that he be dealt with militarily. The pacifists and appeasers called him a warmonger, signed a peace deal with Hitler and the next thing they knew they were in the middle of the most devastating war in history. The sad thing is that it could have been prevented.

It’s time we consider some of these things.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Radical Islamic terrorists routinely attack civilians, hide behind civilians, pose as civilians and accuse their enemies of targeting civilians. What else can we expect from these evil murderers?

But for Liberals in the press and in the world of politics to enthusiastically line up to pronounce judgement on "cold blooded" murder ALLEGEDLY committed by Coalition Troops, without proof or the assumption of innocence, solely for the purpose of undermining the war effort and the President is the same as joining with the terrorists!


What if they're guilty? Well, how about finding out the facts first before falling into the Jihad propaganda machine? How about giving our troops the benefit of the doubt rather than Iraqis who allowed themselves to be terrorized by Saddam for 20 plus years?

By the way our troops were cleared of Ishaqi charges!,2933,198029,00.html
Take that, libs!

Anyone who tries to use these incidents, even if crimes were committed, to criticize the policy is wrong. This is also playing right into the hands of the terrorists! Maybe, we should start killing more civilians unless they help us locate IED's and the terrorists who plant them. Maybe some of these civilians are helping the terrorists. Did any of you Bush haters ever think of that?

Iraq has a new government now. Let them do something about the terrorists.

If crimes were committed, the guilty will be prosecuted. If crimes weren't committed, the damage done by those who pre-judged the situation will be impossible to repair. Accusers with lots of political motivation and NO facts have become part of the insurgency... IF YOU'RE NOT WITH US, YOU'RE AGAINST US.

It's high time the American Left and the rest of the "western" world join the good guys.