Saturday, June 10, 2006

Demonstrating Arrogance & Ignorance

Michael Berg, father of Nick Berg who was beheaded by Al Qaeda terrorists, responded to the news of Zarqawi's demise by saying "I think the news of the loss of any human being is a tragedy. I think al-Zarqawi's death is a double tragedy," he said. "His death will incite a new wave of revenge. George Bush and al-Zarqawi are two men who believe in revenge."

I'm sorry for the loss of Mr. Berg's son, but I am losing my sympathy for people like him. His statement demonstrates the arrogance and the ignorance of the Left.

First of all the arrogance; Bush did not attack Zarqawi for revenge. How arrogant is it of Mr. Berg to say such a thing. This wasn't done to avenge the murder of Nick Berg it was done to stop that fanatical murderer from doing it again. Mr. Berg, it's not about YOU!

It's the same with Cindy Sheehan and the Jersey Girls: They act as if their personal loss is more important than the freedom and security of everyone else, and that we have to listen to them because they suffered. Of course we shouldn't listen to the many other victims who are celebrating Zarqawi's death. No! Their minds are blinded by anger, whereas the pacifist is above such base emotional reactionism. What self-centered arrogance!

Now the ignorance; Mr. Berg, like all pacifists, have the mistaken belief that if we would just be nice to them they'll be nice to us. He said "'restorative justice', - such as being forced to work in a hospital where maimed children are treated - could have made al-Zarqawi "a decent human being." Hitler could have been O.K. too, with a little love.

Berg called Zarqawi's death a "double tragedy" because not only did we kill a potentially decent human being, but now a whole slew of other potential decent human beings are going to come out of the woodwork and cause even more death.

What are we supposed to do Michael, round up every extremist Jihadi who has devoted his life to the destruction of all who won't submit to their will and make them work at a hospital? Even if it were possible, do you actually believe it would work?

Are you insane?


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