Friday, October 21, 2005

Dem Witch Hunts Could Backfire

When the many Bill and Hillary Clinton scandals were in the news and under investigation, the typical response from Democrats and Liberals in the media was that it was a "witch hunt" by Conservatives.

Since the impeachment of Mr. Clinton many of his minions have sworn revenge and they have unleashed the most intense and vitriolic campaign of the "politics of personal destruction" ever waged before.

Other than their outrageous attacks on Bush, they have most recently gone after Karl Rove, Tom Delay and the whistle-blowing Colonel in the Able Danger probe (which exposes the failure of the Clinton-era Defense Department in dealing with terrorism).

Early indications looked bleak for the GOP, but in the last couple of days things have occurred that might indicate that the Left's strategy of accusation and attack will backfire. The following snippets from various news stories indicates that Liberal tactics are going to fail:

Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Penn., told United Press International that officials at the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA, had "conducted a deliberate campaign of character assassination" against the whistleblower, retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer. UPI

"In short, I have been charged for defeating Democrats," DeLay said. "I have been charged for advocating constitutional representation; and I have been charged for advancing the Republican agenda." (From CNSNews)

It's still not clear that Rove and Libby would be indicted even if Fitzgerald could prove they gave false testimony to the grand jury. In 2000, Independent Counsel Robert Ray concluded that then-first lady Hillary Clinton had provided materially false testimony in the Travelgate investigation. Mr. Ray declined to indict, however - explaining that he could not prove that Mrs. Clinton's false statements were intentional. (From Newsmax)

It is beggining to look like the desperate eagerness of the Left to find something, anything to "nail" Bush with has caused them to paint themselves into a corner. The facts simply are not on their side. The truth is beginning to come out: Able Danger proves Clinton's incompetence as commander in chief, the Delay situation is proving to be a political vendetta, and the Rove investigation is revealing the unethical behavior of Joe Wilson and Valery Plame.

Liberals would do better engaging the Debate, rather than trying to revive their scandal mongering ways of the Watergate and Iran Contra eras... Then again, maybe this is all they have left...


At 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If some politician really do something wrong, they should be held accountable. But going after people for partisan political reasons is just plain stupid...

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This IS all they have left!


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