Friday, April 07, 2006


Here are a few headlines from today with my comments: (Do an Ice Rocket* search on the headlines to see the actual articles)

McKinney Punches Cop

Another one of those kind, peaceful, tolerant liberal Democrats....

U.S. Consumer Confidence Rises Again

This is bad news for Democrats in an election year, but so far they, with help from their PR people in the mainstream media, have been able to put the lid on good economic news.

Unemployment drops to 4.7%

More good economic news that Bush and the GOP will NOT get credit for.

Saddam Ordered Suicide Attacks on U.S.

More from captured Iraq documents to add to the pile of evidence that proves the “Bush Lied” crowd wrong…not that any amount of proof will convince pig-headed liberals to “re-assess their thinking.”

Libby Says Bush OK'd Leak

Sounds like good news for the Dems, except for two very significant things, 1) This clears Libby, and 2) it is absolutely LEGAL for the president to authorize the release of classified information. So? This means nothing wrong was done by the Administration.
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said “the president has the inherent authority to decide who should have classified information." Sorry Libs…

Senate GOP votes down 'amnesty' bill

Good news! We have to stop ILLEGAL immigration. Unfortunately, the idiots in the Senate (from Both parties) are working on a compromise…Let’s hope they fail.

Iran has missiles to carry nuclear warheads

More Bush lies about WMD in the hands of dangerous Islamic regimes?

Bush, Congress Approval Ratings Drop

More Liberal Media polling B.S. First they pound and pound negative news and then they poll hugely skewed-Left segments of the populace. They had Kerry winning too... They were wrong then, just as they were wrong in 1994. It looks like a severe case of wishful thinking...maybe?

Students Suspended For Wearing Shirts With American Flags

They should have been wearing Mexican flags, eh? What the…?

Protesters Defend Carrying Mexican Flags

Did you know that it’s illegal for an American to protest in Mexico? What the…?

Have a nice weekend.


*You could also do a Google, or a Yahoo...but try Ice Rocket...the others need a little competition.


At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot about the perky Katie Couric landing the gig on C-BS "news"...
Maybe NBC and ABC will counter with stellar journalists like Rosie O'Donnell or Ellen Degenerate, hmmm?


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