U.N. -believable gall.
It used to be that people who were skeptical of the U.N. were considered to be zenophopic red-necks.
It has been becoming more and more obvious over the past decade that the U.N. is a worthless and dangerous power-hungry bureaucracy.
Their most recent power grab is the attempt to take over the internet. (See article)
What unbelievable gall! It's high time this organization was straightened out! Let's hope Bolton kicks a few butts over there.
Remember Rwanda? The U.N. cut and ran, and 500,000 people were murdered. One of their own officials said that all it would have taken to stop the genocide was 1000 armed troops and about fifty vehicles.
Instead of doing what they claim to be organized for and promote peace, they ignored genocide and played footsie with Saddam Hussein in order to profit from the oil-for-food scam.
They passed 14 resolutions against Hussein, any one of which legitimized military action against him, yet what did they do? They opposed any action against Iraq, even though their own resolutions justified the war.
They were the ones who insisted Iraq was pursuing a program of WMD. (It's hard to deny it when tens of thousands of Kurds are murdered with poison gas.)
They are probably covering up the fact that Iraq moved its WMD to Syria in order to make Operation Iraqi Freedom appear baseless.
And now they want to control the internet? Which countries are involved in this outrage? Russia, China, North Korea...etc. Notice anything? The U.N. is a corrupt organization.
It's a perfect example of why world government is a dangerous thing. Who could stop the corruption if the world-government is corrupt?
The U.S. taxpayer gave the U.N. $3.8 Billion last year. This money could be better spent on $1000 toilet seats for the Space Program!
"Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." -Mariah Carey
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