Wednesday, January 18, 2006

This picture is merely to make the point that it's idiotic to try to slap the "Hitler" label on politicians. A quick internet search will allow you to find Bush-Hitler pictures, Hillary-Hitler pictures etc. These are funny, perhaps, but they make no real point.

If you refer to my previous post on the subject you will see that the Nazi Party is much closer to today's Democrats than to the Republicans, but even this is merely indicative of a general political philosophy.

What we need is real debate on the issues. People on the Right and Left need to get to the bones of an issue rather than resorting to personal attacks and demagoguery. I believe the Left is mainly guilty of this.

They haven't stopped the personal attacks on Bush since 2000. The reason for this is that they do not want to debate the issues on the merits of the issues because, no. 1 they'd have to acknowledge Bush's right to have a say on the issues, and no. 2 they might have to compromise on some of their issues.

Left Wing philosophy, whenever fully implemented leads to political, social and economic collapse. The U.S.S.R. is the prime example of this. Free-market conservative ideas, such as low taxes, school vouchers, workfare etc. always work to benefit the majority of people. It's documented.

This is why the Left is pulling out all the stops, resorting to accusations of racism--even though Bush's administration is the most racially diverse administration in history; accusations of corruption--even though Clinton's was the most corrupt administration ever.

But the Left always accuses its opponents of what they are guilty of themselves. They are too arrogant and proud to even consider allowing another point of view into the debate. This is why they won't listen to Black Conservatives, for example.

It's really a sad and dangerous thing. Their fanatic opposition to Bush is endangering our troops and our civilian population. If they succeed in their attacks on Bush, they will have advanced the cause of terrorism by 10 years. If they get ahold of the economy, they will set a repeat of the crash of 2000 (Clinton's term) in motion.

If, on the other hand, they were to engage the debate honestly and open-mindedly, we might be better able to come up with solutions. Republicans from Nixon to Reagan to Bush I to Bush II have always compromised with Democrats, why can't they do the same?

- Matt


At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al does look a bit like Adolph...


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