More Flip-Flopping
Hillary Clinton is now saying that vote to authorize the Iraq war was a mistake. “…based on what we know now, we never would have agreed," she said, in an email sent to her supporters on Tuesday.
John Kerry did the same thing. So did many others.
What is this? Politics?
People can have differing opinions about the war, and there is no reason they can’t change over time, with new information. Many who voted for the war are now basing their anti-war stance on the supposed lack of WMD evidence. But there’s one little problem: this is a bogus argument because WMD have been found, as has evidence that Saddam took great pains to hide his WMD program, and because WMD was never listed as the only, or even the main, reason for regime change in Iraq.
This can only mean that those who changed their minds (sometimes more than once) and are now against the war are playing politics at its worst. What a bunch of finger-in-the-wind hypocrites!
They are banking on an American defeat and are depending on the so-called mainstream media to carry their distorted message to what they think of as ignorant Americans. What a position to be in! To win, you have to hope your country loses. How pathetic is that?
If we lose, and Iraq reverts back to a tyrannical dictatorship the strategy the Anti crowd is using could work for them. But what if it doesn’t? What if Iraq turns out to be a big victory, as it still easily can? Will they try to say they supported it all along? What if it turns out that the WMD really were evacuated to Syria? Will they try to claim they never said “Bush lied”? What if this is the beginning of a democratic revolution in the Middle East that frees millions of people from political and religious tyranny? How will they explain that? Well, we already know… just look at what they’re doing now.
To power-hungry people like Hillary Rodham, the only important thing is getting elected. If that means they have to change their position on any issue, or equivocate or dissimulate, even to the point of endangering our soldiers and putting our national security at risk, they will do it.
But it would be better if instead of changing positions and making bogus claims about the events leading up to the war, these people would explain what they would have done, and what they would do now, and try to persuade people to agree with them. But I guess in order to do that they would have to actually have an idea of their own. They apparently don't.
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