Monday, November 21, 2005

The Slick One does it again

It's a classic example of Bill Clinton's slickness:
Newsmax reports: "Bill Clinton Waffles On Iraq: 'It Could Still Work'
Having declared last Wednesday that the U.S. invasion of Iraq was a "big mistake," former President Bill Clinton now thinks the Bush Administration policy may succeed."

Newsmax calls it a waffle, I think it's just Bill being Bill. It all depends on the meaning of "It" and "Could" etc. It's a Clinton classic and is very illustrative of how he got the title "Slick Willie."

But my question is why is he apparently waffling now? Is it because of the recent 400 to 3 vote NOT to immediately pull out of Iraq? Maybe he sees the tide turning on the "Bush-Lied" liars and doesn't want to be damaged (he wants Hillary in the White House in 2008) by associating with a bunch of losers.

Of course, he's not completely going over to the other side, he's positioning himself in such a way as to incur as little embarrassment and assume as much credit as possible. But the fact that he apparently feels the need to do this could be an indication that things aren't exactly as the Left claims and that the Bush policy will eventually succeed, or at least that's what Clinton seems to think.

However, if events or perceptions change again, or appear to change, you can bet Billy will too.



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